Thursday, August 1, 2013

Who’s Afraid of the Bird Flu?

A strain of avian flu was discovered in a farm in Scott County, Arkansas, early June, prompting a host of countries including Russia, Turkey, Hong Kong, Japan and lately China, to ban importation of poultry products from the said state, while Mississippi and Georgia followed suit with Mississippi lifting the ban soon after, should poultry supplies go next?

Testing was conducted and it was reported that the incident was isolated to a single farm, quarantine and fumigation still occurred within a 6.2 mile radius. This was done as a precaution as well as the slaughter of around 9,000 chickens to ensure that the incident remains isolated and recent testing showed that there are no new incidents of bird flu within the Scott County and they are deeming it as bird flu free already and as U.S. Senator Mark Pryor, D-Ark. said Arkansas products are safe, nutritious and healthy and he and his family will continue to eat Arkansas poultry to assure the public that their meats are safe for consumption.  The ban is expected to be lifted in most countries and counties by October 24, 90 days after the disinfection and fumigation of the county where the bird flu was detected. 

Chicken is a major food source for many individuals from many countries and it is indeed a shame when disease strikes and you begin to fear eating even the most common food you usually consume on a day to day basis.  Yes indeed, avian or bird flu is not a joking matter as it can cause debilitating illnesses which can take the lives of our loved ones and it is clear that state officials are ensuring that poultry products safe to ingest.  Another thing perhaps to consider is to ensure that each poultry farm or even backyard chicken raisers only get their poultry supplies from reputable suppliers to ensure that the chickens will always be in good health. This will help avoid incidents such as this in the future and we can be certain that the chickens we eat will always be bird flu free.

If you are into raising chickens ensure that they are free from the bird flu, look for the best poultry suppliers, you can hop on over to, you can be sure they only carry the best poultry supplies that’s fit for your chicken needs. 

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