Friday, December 20, 2013

Featured Book for Poultry Farming: Storey’s Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds

Chicken farmers and poultry owners need an immediate guide to raising chickens. The astonishing growth of the poultry industry, especially in North America, has significantly contributed a huge growth in the economy. The rising number of chicken farmers now breeds different kinds of poultry. These fowls provide not only meat but eggs as well. Their feathers also are used for clothes, home designs and other accessories. With the promising business of poultry, it is no wonder why many people are convinced that breeding chickens is the best way to earn a living.

This featured book is all about the informing the poultry enthusiasts on how to breed a specific fowl. There are more than 120 kinds of poultry breeds carefully illustrated to raise an awareness of how interesting this business is. It provides comprehensive information on every animal with high-definition images, brief history of the breed and the description. Each breed also is identified through every class, size, physical appearance, special qualities and place of origin. All these are written in an easy-to-appreciate manner by the author, Carol Ekarius.

This is a book that will help poultry owners and farmers to differentiate one breed from the other as the  characteristics differ in every breed. Some are quiet while others are noisy, there are those that are aggressive while a few numbers or gentle kinds. These will further help in cultivating a healthier chicken which will eventually become more profitable. This will also help out in deciding what poultry supplies are needed for each breed.

What People Say About The Book

The book has made favorable reviews as soon as it was launched. The readers appreciate the way the breeds are illustrated. A reviewer from Northern NY said that it is, by far, the complete book of all poultry breeds. This book also is favored for its affordable price. At, the book only sells for $24.99. This is a cheaper price compared to other poultry books.

There is no better way than to have a handy guide immediately available for poultry farming. To know more about this book and other poultry supplies needed, visit


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