Friday, July 26, 2013

Free Range Chickens vs Caged Chicken

When you go to the market, you will often find various choices when it comes to chicken and the most common choice these days would be to go for free range chickens or the commercial or caged chickens. There are a lot of debate regarding this but it seems that the healthier chicken to grab will be the free range chickens. 

Free range chickens are said to be chickens that have been grown freely and are allowed to roam about in the farm they are grown in, freely foraging in their natural habitat, eating seeds, plants, insects and worms while caged chicken are as the name connoted grown in caged environment. These caged chicken are mostly the commercial ones and grown by large commercial facilities and as the number of chickens can go up to the thousands, it might be a difficult task to allow them to “roam freely”.

Yes, perhaps it is evident that free range chickens will be healthier than the caged ones mainly because of their diet and their ability to breath in nature unlike the caged ones who are often stressed, confined to a small space and even overfed so they can grow up fat and fast. A heavier chicken will go for a higher price, right?

But looking for a real free range chickens may not be as easy as you think, with the hype of these free range chickens and much public clamor over it, a lot of manufacturers want to cash in on all the hype by passing off commercially raised chicken as free-range, bumping up its price and raising sales and profits.  They give their chickens a little bit more breathing room but they are still caged and not allowed to roam about in their natural habitat as true free range chickens should be.

So if you want to get real free range chicken then your best bet would be to go to a chicken farm that you can see really allows their chickens to roam free or better yet farm your own chickens. If you are interested in breeding your own chickens then you should visit your local poultry supplies shop or shop online through

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